Baseball team keeps indians name

The Indianapolis Indians, a Triple A team for the Pittsburgh Pirates, have chosen not to change their team name, but instead worked with a local Native American organization to keep the name.


Indianapolis, IN: A minor league team from Indiana has decided to not change their name of "Indians" to a more neutral and inoffensive term.

Instead, the Indianapolis Indians management team has consciously decided to partner with a local Native American organization to have a frank discussion on whether it really is offensive.

Other similar organizations have indeed changed their names to align with new social pressure and expectations brought on by a growing woke ideology.

A National Football League team, the Washington Commanders (actually they were first the Washington Football Team, then the Commanders) were once known as the Washington Redskins. And in Major League Baseball, the Cleveland Guardians were once known as the Cleveland Indians.

Even the Superbowl champions, the Kansas City Chiefs dropped their mascot Warpaint and replaced it with the KC Wolf.

A host of other similar organizations have dropped their name and/or mascot in favor of more generic, seemingly inoffensive names.

Except for the Indianapolis Indians.

Meet the Indians

The Indianapolis Indians have instead reached out to and formed a partnership with a local Native American group, the Miami Nation Indians of Indiana.

The partnership was forged between Brian Buchanan, Chief of the Miami Nation of Indians of Indiana and Bruce Schumacher, Indianapolis Indians Chairman and CEO.

A deal was made between the organizations that included recognition of Miami veterans during certain baseball games, land acknowledgement and scholarship and educational opportunities.

"We are grateful to the Indianapolis Indians for the opportunity to share our story with Hoosiers throughout Central Indiana," Buchanan said in a released statement. He continued, "When the history of Indiana is studied, the major influence of Native American people is seen in the names of Indiana cities, state parks, rivers, food, celebrations and other cultural points of interest. We have encouraged the team to remain the Indianapolis Indians."

Schumacher added, "We are pleased to work with the Miami Nation of Indians of Indiana to help educate our fans about the rich history and culture of its tribe. We look forward to using our platform to educate our fans by acknowledging, uplifting and honoring those upon whose ancestral lands Victory Field is built."

An Appropriate Method

It is a relief to see organizations work cohesively to meet an end goal. Unfortunately, it has become normalized for organizations to bow down to cultural pressure, whether it be sports teams, businesses and so on. This method of finding out if something is in fact offensive to a group is preferred. Otherwise, a third party, such as influential figures with a woke ideology, may assume it's offensive and insist on change.

That's not freedom oriented.

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Have you checked out these other stories?

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Anonymous User
2 years ago

Finally, a sensible way to approach an issue without simply following a knee-jerk reaction to self cancel.

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