The Real Cult… And It’s Not MAGA As The Left Would Have You Believe

The woke left will gang up and destroy anyone or anything that doesn’t bend to its wishes.


One of our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, guarantees all Americans fundamental rights…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It declares that “all men are created equal.” It does not say that all men (generically, meaning all people) will be granted equity. Instead, all men are created equal. What happens afterward is guaranteed to no one. 

In the United States, all people, be they men or women, black or white, Catholic or Protestant all have the opportunity to be whatever they want. Life is a series of decisions; what is done with those decisions will provide an outcome…either positive or negative. 

The woke left believes that all men are guaranteed not equal opportunity but equal outcomes…equity. If anyone dares to think that whatever one can get out of life is not guaranteed but is earned, they are excoriated by the radical left. 

This is where the danger of “wokeism” comes in. If someone dares disagree with “climate change,” the belief that biological men can become pregnant and have babies, or thinks America was a much better place when Donald Trump was president, they will become a target. 

A couple of years ago, radicals believed to be affiliated with Antifa gathered in front of the suburban Washington, D.C., home of former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. By doing so, they weren’t merely making a nuisance out of themselves. They were sending a message. Go against the preferred woke narrative, and we will target you. 

When news leaked that the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade, a gang of radical troublemakers gathered in the neighborhoods where conservative justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, and Brett Kavanaugh lived. Again, they weren’t there to be a nuisance. They were there to intimidate the justices. A complicit Biden Justice Department did nothing, even though the protesters violated federal law. 

Wokeism has a singular message; oppose us, and we will destroy you. Where at one time, police and, by extension, the criminal justice system could be relied upon to arrest, prosecute, and imprison such radicals, that hasn’t been the case since 2020, when George Floyd died in Minneapolis police custody. Woke, leftist political leaders and district attorneys have, in general, stopped enforcing the law while at the same time destroying their respective police departments, either financially or by destroying morale. Police have retired or quit in frustration. 

Meanwhile, criminals run amuck in major cities (in particular those run by Democrats), and even small towns have felt the residual effect of government officials who are more interested in seeing how “progressive” they can be instead of fulfilling one of the primary duties of their office…ensuring the safety and welfare of their citizens. 

Wokeism set its sights on those who voted the wrong way in 2016 and 2020. Moreover, wokeism has set its sights on the leading candidate running against a weak incumbent president, Joe Biden. Never before in American history has there been a more explicit example of a two-tiered justice system than that which has occurred in the past 2+ years. 

Two men of opposing political parties, accused of virtually the same offenses, have seen the woke news media completely ignore the sins of one (Biden) while going nuclear on the other (Trump). 

People who violently protested and rioted in the aftermath of the Floyd death were treated as mere inconveniences. In contrast, people who paraded or trespassed on the U.S. Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021, are, in some cases, still being held in solitary confinement. Others have received lengthy prison sentences. An overwhelming majority committed no violence whatsoever. 

Finally, there is the targeting of children. At one time, conservatives were criticized for suggesting the end game of the gay rights movement, or more specifically, the radical LGBTQ movement extended beyond gay marriage. Many on the right suggested that gay marriage was not the end but the beginning. 

The past year has seen the trans movement on steroids. Biological boys and men can share locker rooms or bathroom spaces with girls and women. The NCAA, which must abide by Title IX designed to protect girls and women’s sports, allowed a biological man to compete on a women’s swim team at Penn State. In Connecticut, high school girls were forced to compete in track with biological boys. Yet if anyone opposes this, they are targeted, some even losing their jobs. 

One outspoken female athlete, Riley Gaines, has been physically assaulted and even was forced to shelter in place for several hours from a violent, woke mob. Parents who protest “drag queen story hours” have been physically assaulted by trans mobs affiliated with Antifa. 

We have reported on businesses that couldn’t care less about their customers and are more interested in their ESG scores with BlackRock and other equity firms. Anheuser Busch is an example. They used a male pretending to be a teenage female as a spokesperson for what was then the best-selling beer in the country, Bud Light. 

And they have paid the consequences by forgetting who their customers are and what values they represent. The brand has been bleeding money and is no longer in the top ten beer brands. 

Align Us provides tools for our readers to counter the woke mob by recommending and supporting businesses that cater to conservatives, not the woke mob. This will be the first in a series of blogs about fighting against the woke mob. 

Are you tired of having a good dose of woke mixed in with your news, information, shopping, and sports? Use Align Us and get behind companies whose political philosophy aligns with yours. Our app is available for all mobile devices to help you decide what businesses to support with your hard-earned dollars. 

-Align Us

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Doctors violate Hippocratic oath for partisan, political reasons.

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