Publisher Has Classic Books Re-Written to Avoid Offending Young Audience

Roald Dahl, famed author of countless children's books, has had his work re-written to change potential "offensive language" in order to conform to new woke-style requirements - publisher Puffin Books quickly criticized for decision.


United Kingdom: Roald Dahl has published timeless classics like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda and The Witches. But since the times are changing, his books are no longer considered acceptable - at least to publisher Puffin Books.

It has been recently decided by Puffin that the books need to be "cleaned up" in order to avoid offending the new generation of readers. Puffin wants to see words like "fat" removed and replaced with something less offensive, like "heavy". 


An original work written by Dahl from the 2001 edition of The Witches: "Don't be foolish," my grandmother said. "You can't go round pulling the hair of every lady you meet, even if she is wearing gloves. Just you try it and see what happens."

The 2022 edition: "Don't be foolish," my grandmother said. "Beside there are plenty other reasons why women might wear wigs and there is certainly nothing wrong with that."

An original work written by Dahl from the 2001 edition of The Witches: "Even if she is working as a cashier in a supermarket or typing letters for a businessman..."

The 2022 edition: "Even if she is working as a top scientist or running a business..."

An original work written by Dahl from the 2001 edition of Matilda: "She went on olden-day sailing ships with Joseph Conrad. She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and to India with Rudyard Kipling."

The 2022 edition: "She went to nineteenth century estates with Jane Austen. She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and California with John Steinbeck."

Immediate Pushback

The decision to rewrite Dahl classics has immediately come under criticism by prominent figures, most notably Camilla, the Queen Consort of the United Kingdom. She is encouraging authors everywhere to stay true to their writing and their art.

In a statement she made to authors, she said, "Please remain true to your calling, unimpeded by those who may wish to curb the freedom of your expression or impose limits on your imagination."

Following her statement to the authors, she left off with, "Enough said." That last statement was greeted with both laughter and a chant of "hear, hear," in support of her stance.

The Publisher

Puffin Books falls under Penguin Publishing Group. Puffin is a major publisher of children's books and are an organization and business like any other. And after their recent decision to alter classic writing to appease the young crowd, they have directed themselves toward a political ideology.

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