Primum Non Nocer (Do No Harm). Doctors Violate Hippocratic Oath for Partisan, Political Reasons

Breast cancer patient denied treatment for expressing discomfort about trans flag in Oregon clinic.


An Oregon breast cancer patient scheduled for a double mastectomy this month was notified she would no longer receive the surgery for alleged “disrespectful and hurtful remarks about our LGBTQ community and staff.” In other words, she is being denied possible life-saving care because she spoke out against a trans flag displayed behind the reception desk at the clinic.  

The patient, Marlene Barbera, is not a hateful bigot. She had been previously threatened by radical trans activists before. She was concerned about the display of the flag and dared to express her concerns to her doctor via the online MyChart program. 

In 2022, Barbara notified her physician that she did “not feel comfortable” going into the clinic with the trans flag displayed prominently behind the reception desk “like a Nazi flag.” She told the doctor she had been “threatened on Twitter by transactivists with rape and death.” 

She further explained the reasons for her discomfort with the prominent display of the trans flag. Barbera then politely asked if she could arrange a telephone appointment to discuss her concerns. 

In June, she received a message from the Family Medicine at Richmond clinic, affiliated with Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), notifying her she was being “discharged” from treatment. She was further told that she was “also dismissed from all OHSU Family Medicine clinics, including Immediate Care clinics.” 

The incident has caused Barbera extreme anxiety, she told Reduxx, and “triggered her long-standing struggle with depression.” 

“I have severe chronic agitated depression since my teen years,” she said. “Now I have no primary care doctor and nowhere else to go. I have been made to feel like a worthless nothing.” 

For all we hear about the trans community being “marginalized,” the facts do not seem to bear that out. Instead, the trans “movement” seems more akin to a religious cult, and for those who do not comply, you will be ostracized, marginalized, and, if some states have their way, criminalized. 

Barbera summed it up by calling the trans movement “a men’s rights movement. Dangerous to women and children.” 

Libs of TikTok also reported that Barbera was told she needed to attend what amounted to a “re-education” program to rethink her opposition to the flag, which she refused. 

Barbera is currently exploring taking legal action against the clinic and the university.

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Rhonda Mardis
1 year ago

CMT maybe secretly be woke

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    Anonymous User
    1 year ago In reply to Sheri

    Agree-have thought this for awhile.

Virginia Wallace
1 year ago

She needs legal help, big time. Sue the whole lot of them into oblivion.

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