Here’s your “higher education”: White college staffers in Washington State

Far-left educators in Washington State hosted a two-day workshop on "dismantling racism" and "becoming antiracist educators," for "white identifying folks"


WASHINGTON STATE- What exactly is in that Pacific Ocean water that has the left coast of the United States so off the rails? Between California, Oregon, and Washington State, it’s hard to determine which contains the most unhinged collection of loony toons.


Jason Rantz of The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH reports that a group of leftist educators hosted so-called “high level” college staff members for a workshop on “dismantling racism” and becoming “anti-racist educators,” reported.


According to Rantz, the two-day workshop was intended for “white-identifying folks with European ancestry and people who benefit from white privilege.” One staff member, who mocked the workshop was promptly excoriated by some educators in attendance.

The event, conducted online, was hosted by a group called Friends of the Faculty and Staff of Color Conference (FSOCC). Ordinarily, the group conducts workshops for “faculty of color,” however on April 21 and 22 of this year, the group switched gears and opted for white-oriented attendance in order to turn staff into more effective anti-racist activists.

“We want people to move away from ‘I’m an individual white person being an antiracist by reading lots of books’ to ‘I’m part of something bigger with other white-identified people’ by building cross-system relationships/coalitions/networks for this larger collective work of antiracism in the CTC [community/technical college] system,” according to the conference notes.


Rantz noted internal documents, as well as the PowerPoint presentation show the unbelievable attitudes and beliefs of those who are teaching our young people in institutes of “higher learning.”

The workshop, named “Working Together Towards an Antiracist WA CTC System,” emanated from the Friends of FSCOSS group, which is comprised of white educator-activists suffering from terminal cases of white guilt. They come from Edmonds College, Green River College, Bellevue College, and Clark College.

The goal as expressed in an internal document describes their goal as to “interrogate and challenge the racist systems we’ve built and benefited from.”

“Our hope is that we, as white identified [either you’re WHITE or you’re not] or white privilege recipients, will collectively do the work necessary for transformative change. Racism is a white people problem and we need to take ownership, accountability, and action,” the internal document continued, the title of which was “Accomplice-ing It!”



To add injury to insult, attendees actually paid up to $250 to attend this nonsense, the fee which depended on their job title.

“We will build coalitions and work together as a collective to:

  • Interrogate how we individually and collectively perpetuate systems of white supremacy and capitalism, strategize ways we can dismantle white supremacy, and colonization;
  • Create laboratory spaces for all of us, become part of the solution in all of the -ism words.

Yes, these people are clinically insane.

According to an internal email, there were about 125 members from various state colleges in attendance.

Rantz noted the workshop was widely distributed throughout the system, although the method was different depending on the institution.

Rantz said a woman named Jennifer Whetham of the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges sent an invitation to a number of statewide educators. Whetham, a so-called “core” member of the Friends of FSCOSS, aside from distributing a flyer soliciting registrations, went on to explain why the training was so important to the work of CTC educators.

“It’s vital to remember that no matter how much we know about racism, white supremacy, and our own role perpetuating and maintaining systems of oppression, we are still benefitting from them. Therefore, it is our responsibility to support each other as we learn and seek to make internal and systemic change,” she wrote.

Not everyone, however, was happy and expressed their dissatisfaction both publicly and privately.

“Very offensive introduction to your workshop from the ‘Friends of FSOCC,’” one Everett Community College staff member complained.


That email was distributed by core leaders of Friends of FSOCC in a classic case of doxing and bullying.

One staffer, Alyssa Voyles, Clark College’s Director of Employee Equity and Engagement mocked the staff member. She claimed the email reminded her of the “’thank you so much Dianne’ tiktok,” which was a video meme describing the “coworker you hate during Zoom meetings.”


In other words, Voyles appeared to be referring to the staffer as a “Karen,” a mocking term for women who complain about everything, i.e. “Let me speak to a manager!”

Another faculty member, Christina Sciabarra, responded to the staffer’s complaint:

“Would love to know what’s offensive here,” said Sciabarra, an adjunct faculty member in Political Science at Bellevue College, adding a rolling eyes emoji.


Ah yes, typical leftist “tolerance” for opposing viewpoints. They were truly confused that someone might have an opposing point of view from their own, indicating as Rantz stated “little experience outside their far-left echo chamber.”

Rantz explained the anti-racism trope started out with a typical “land and labor” acknowledgment. You know, we are currently on the tribal lands of the Waki Waki Tribe of the Halasalami Nation. You get the point. That was followed by a “fireside chat,” where participants were given a number of prompts to discuss what they were feeling, a PowerPoint presentation said.

Participants went on to discuss what it is like to be an “ally, advocate, accomplice, co-conspirator, and abolitionist.” Continuing, they talked about what they “wished white people would do (or stop doing) to challenge white supremacy.” They went on to discuss so-called “affinity groups”—groups of staff that share the same race.

This nonsense went on for two hours where seminar participants could develop a “personal accountability plan” explaining how they will take action on institutionalizing anti-racism. However they are specifically told that they themselves shouldn’t take personal responsibility, instead making statements such as, “Slavery was over 400 years ago, that was my ancestors, not me.”

A breakout session posed the question, “Why is internal work necessary for anti-racism work?”

“I want to stop doing harm,” said one participant while another declared, “I can’t expect people of color to do labor for free and fix a system they did not create.”


This is insane. These people are literally in need of therapy.

It continued:

“Because our BIPOC colleagues are TIRED and it’s damn time white people stepped up to do the work!” said another white participant.


That begs the question—what “work” are white people NOT doing?

The workshop also, Rantz said, the workshop materials actually encouraged racism…against their own race.

For example, the workshop includes materials which tells whites they didn’t earn their socio-economic status or position within their respective institutions. They are there only on the basis of white supremacy which “offered them privilege.”

“Clearly, if privilege is inextricably tied to race (social membership group), privilege is not something you earn. The myth of earned privilege is one of the many lies of white supremacy that helps perpetuate ideology that harms everyone, whites included. As white identified/and/or a white privilege recipient, our level of responsibility is equal to our level of privilege,” the “Accomplice-ing document read.


The documents go on to explain so-called “fundamental truths” of society, which includes “Societal systems are built upon white supremacy” and, “African American/Black women are the foundation of social justice and equity work and are routinely excluded while their work is appropriated.”

The fact that these “educators” are passing this utter BS on to their students as gospel is truly scary. As Rantz notes, they have “convinced themselves that all whites are privileged oppressors and all racial minorities are victims of oppression.” In our mind, that is a racist position. It implies that blacks are victims and unable to achieve anything by themselves, requiring whites to cede their “privilege” to help them succeed.

Moreover, these educators “mistreat students due to skin color, while attempting to propagandize all those who will fall for the same grift these educators fell for.”

What does such thinking accomplish? It doesn’t build bridges, nor does it build understanding. It creates division, animosity, resentment and finally hate. It foments the very thing it is supposed to be stopping, or at least slowing down. This type of ideology says that blacks cannot succeed without help, while whites only succeed not because of their ability but because of the color of their skin.

And what of white educators taking this to its most absurd extreme, as Rantz asks:

“Will white students get lower grades by an anti-racist educator deducting [so-called] “privilege points? Will Black or Latino students get higher grades than deserved as a means to overcome systemic racism? Who does this serve? Certainly not the impacted students.”


Most students attend college to achieve an education, a goal that is supported by their parents who by and large are footing the bill. They are not there to be indoctrinated, but that is slowly but surely becoming the sole purpose of our colleges and universities.

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