Hillsdale College, Located in Chicago, Illinois, is a fully accredited, non-sectarian liberal arts college open to all, regardless of race or religion.


Colleges and universities in the United States are generally beholden to the government bureaucracy by virtue of the fact that the institution or its students receive federal assistance. As most are aware, whenever the federal government sticks its tentacles into anything, the results are not desirable. 

One institute of higher learning that decided to cut ties with the federal bureaucracy entirely is Hillsdale College, an independent college founded in 1844. Hillsdale was the first college in the United States to prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, or sex. It was one of the leading institutions that came out opposing slavery. 

In the 1970s, the predecessor to the Department of Education, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, attempted to insert itself into the college’s internal affairs. One demand was to mandate that the college count its students by race. Undaunted by the demands made by HEW, the college resisted, vowing to continue its non-discrimination policy and would oppose by all legal means necessary “any encroachments on its independence.” 

In 1984, after nearly ten years of litigation, the United States Supreme Court ruled against Hillsdale. Undaunted, Hillsdale announced it would not comply with what it deemed was an unconstitutional federal regulation, instructing students they could no longer use federal student aid money for the college. In its place, Hillsdale announced it would replace that aid with private contributions. 

Today, Hillsdale continues its legacy of defending traditional liberal arts. Rather than engage in modern-day woke trends, which are “dehumanizing” and “discriminatory,” such as “social justice and multicultural diversity,” concepts that “judge[s] individuals not as individuals but as members of a group and which pits one group against other competing groups in divisive power struggles.” 

Aside from Hillsdale College, Hillsdale sponsors the Hillsdale Academy. This K-12 private classical Christian school likewise receives no federal or state funding and “has broad independence in the design and implementation of its programs.” 

Unlike typical Christian schools, Hillsdale Academy believes “education is about cultivating students into a certain kind of human being. It is about training their minds and directing their souls such that they become men and women who love the right things and are characterized by virtue and wisdom.” 

For those who embrace lifelong learning or would like to enhance their knowledge of our country, Hillsdale offers online courses on subjects from the United States Constitution to American Foreign Policy, Ancient Christianity, and many others.

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