Equal Opportunity- Best Buy Hates Christians and White People

Days after being outed for anti-white bias, a whistleblower accuses the electronics chain of discriminating against Christians.


Investigative journalist James O’Keefe of the O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) has struck again. In the latest expose of wokeness in corporate America, O’Keefe reveals that Best Buy not only discriminates against whites but also Christians. 

O’Keefe released recordings between a Best Buy employee based in Jacksonville, Florida, Enis Sujak, and another man purported to be his manager, Mike Hirsch. 

“He was telling me that it was work appropriate to have all this LGBTQ stuff that’s going on in the office and everywhere else, but it’s not okay for me to be a Christian myself and have a Bible…at the office. Or have a cross or Quran or anything like that,” Sujak told O’Keefe. 

In a Twitter post, O’Keefe said Sujak, who works for the chain’s “Geek Squad,” “has audio proof that the company refuses to allow Christian employees to display crosses while requiring them to attend LGBTQ workshops.” 

In the recording, Sujak is heard asking why it is acceptable to display gay pride materials around the office but not “Christian stuff.” 

“They’re not the same,” Hirsch replied “You can 1,000% choose religion.” 

Well, that’s true, but that is a strawman argument. Also, there are plenty of people who choose the LGBTQ lifestyle who decide to do so. Look at the explosion in young people suddenly identifying as gay, trans, or any of the “72 genders.” 

Hirsch continued down strawman lane, telling Sujak he can’t display religious items in the office because he is “choosing to believe.” 

“Because you are choosing to believe in Christianity, or Muslim, or whatever, you choose that,” noting that conversely, LGBTQ people don’t choose their sexual orientation. 

Hirsch then claimed LGBTQ people are harassed and “tortured” for their identity “even in America.” Evidently, Hirsch hasn’t heard of the harassment endured by pro-life activists who pray outside abortion clinics, to which Sujac replied, “They get a whole month to themselves, bro.” 

O’Keefe then showed videos purporting to be Sujak’s workspace which showed pride flags and decorations on walls and doors. Sujak also told O’Keefe that there were “LGBTQ materials in the morning meetings” at Sujak’s office. 

In an example of what appears to be a hostile work environment, Sujak expressed opposition to a pro-LGBTQ presentation at one of the morning meetings, leading him to walk out, asking why such material was being included in a required work meeting. He noted that the presenter, named Athena, took offense to his leaving. 

“Her name is Athena. And she took offense to how I handled the whole situation of just kind of walking out as she was trying to teach us about LGBTQ history,” he said. “So she ended up putting more pride flags because of me walking out.” 

Sujak maintained that he was respectful and that he and another coworker merely stood up and walked out. 

Meanwhile, as O’Keefe was reporting outside a Best Buy in New Jersey, a marketing rep from the mall called the police on him. The truth hurts. 

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Have you read this other blog?

A popular Florida college makes major move against wokeness.

Larry Zagnut
1 year ago

Screw Best Buy. Go woke, go broke. Eat shit and die BestBuy

4 months ago

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    4 months ago In reply to Rama2

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