Beloved Educator Loses Superintendent Bid Over Seemingly Ridiculous 'Micro-agression' Term

A popular educator beloved by teachers, students and parents alike loses bid to win full-time superintendent position due to using the phrase 'ladies' in an email, which was later seen as 'micro-aggression.' However, the community is fighting back.


Dr. Vito Perrone, a highly respected educator and interim superintendent had an offer to take over as the official superintendent rescinded after the hiring and promoting committee became aware he used the term "ladies" in an email.

However, the decision to rescind the offer is coming under fire from parents, staff members and local residents alike as Dr. Perrone is adorned by the community.

Dr. Perrone, a talented athlete who played Division 1 football and later professional football internationally, has a long history in education. After he scored the highest in a rubric scoring system designed to rate the best candidate for the full-time superintendent position, faculty and community welcomed the idea of Dr. Perrone as the next superintendent for the Easthampton School District in Massachusetts.

Debbie Carter, a former superintendent for the Easthampton School District wrote on the school district's Facebook page, "I cannot say anything but praise for this decision by the Easthampton school committee. I was lucky enough to hire Dr. Perrone as principal of the new high school when I was superintendent. He is a fabulous match. Hiring a principal with executive experience as a superintendent is a good move. Vito is a people person. Teachers, parents, and students need that. Congratulations!"

Dr. Perrone accepted the offer despite the $15,000 drop in pay. He stated, "The job was not about the money for me. I honestly felt like I was coming home to Easthampton. I coached football here. I was principal here when we built the school. I have such wonderful memories... I was excited to come back."

Offer Rescinded

After the official offer was made to Dr. Perrone, the committee who voted for his promotion then rescinded the offer of what is being viewed by many as being related to "woke, cancel culture."

It was reported that Dr. Perrone sent an email out to his all-female staff from his current position as interim superintendent and started the email with "Dear ladies." The committee labeled the term as "micro-aggression" and rescinded the formal promotion offer.

Dr. Perrone, who initially thought it was an April Fool's joke, later defended his position. In a statement he made regarding his use of "ladies", he said, "I was shocked. I grew up in a time when 'ladies' and 'gentlemen' was a sign of respect. I didn't intend to insult anyone."

Growing Community Support

Dr. Perrone has unwavering support from the entire community. The Easthampton Education Association has been fully supporting Dr. Perrone. They have been organizing support with the community through their Facebook page.

A recent Zoom meeting between the school district and the community crashed due to the overwhelming number of people attempting to join the meeting to voice their support for Dr. Perrone. In another show of support, community members joined together in a rally that brought in 100's of participants. Below is an image taken from the Easthampton Education Association Facebook page. The image contains a community member holding a sign saying, "Education not cancellation."

You can also watch the entire rally on YouTube.

Align Us

Education institutions are certainly not immune to leaning towards a political ideology. As was the case with the Easthampton School District. This is, however, a unique case as the support for Dr. Perrone continues to grow and pressure continues to be applied to the committee responsible for rescinding the offer.

We at Align Us will continue to monitor the story to see how it plays out.

Once the case is settled one way or another, we will ensure where the woke meter really needs to be. Our goal is to properly help parents understand what type of school their kids are going to so they can make the right decisions for their family.

-Align Us

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